
"We have observed people who have sought help through ATLAS, get back on their feet again, and see their lives being affected in a positive way - hurt marriages and family relationships being restored, those who have lived in bondage to addictive behaviors now living free from their addictions, those who have been helped through ATLAS now being a positive influence on others who have similar struggles, and many who now are involved in a church family, who weren't before."

Alan & Barb Dykshorn

ATLAS Clients

"I began working with ATLAS in their mentoring program in January, 2001, Another woman and I work with a recently divorced woman with one teenage girl and twin girls age 12. In the past 1 ½ years, I have seen tremendous growth in our mentoree's life. She has gone from someone who had a hard time getting out of bed because of depression to a woman who does a little volunteering, works a couple of hours a week, attends church regularly and is doing a good job parenting her girls. Our mentoree feels comfortable asking us for advice but also goes to the ATLAS office where she is always helped and treated with respect. If ATLAS cannot help her, they find someone in the community who can."

Gloria Kempers


"One such visionary program begun by ATLAS is their mentoring program. By training secure and stable individuals and couples how to model and mentor healthy dynamics of living to the less skilled. ATLAS is having a profound positive impact on their entire community. People who were, previously, presenting high risks to the community through addictions, broken marriages, leaving children abandoned of parental guidance, job absenteeism and suffering the consequences of untreated mental illnesses, are now becoming productive members of their families, work and living communities. This is happening because ATLAS has seen the need and has responded with the mentoring and referred counseling services so vital to helping people back on their feet again."

Dale D. Ellens, M.Div., M.S., LPC, LMFT

Bethesda Christian Counseling Midwest, Inc.

"In our experience, the ATLAS organization deals with both the violator and victim. They have a very competent and professional staff, who all possess a very strong Christian commitment and strong moral values. They have the unique ability to assist and mentor ALL persons involved in any type of situation. Not only do they assist people in trouble and who are hurting, but they also provide a mentoring program that will continue a personal and friendly relationship wherever possible. Most importantly, they are committed to changing lives by introducing Jesus Christ and sharing God's word as the way to lasting and positive change!"

Paul E. Adkins

Chief of Police

Sioux Center Police Department

"ATLAS is an invaluable asset to their community. Every community of 5,000+ should have an agency like them. They are a group of dedicated individuals who believe in helping the entire person. The hurting people who go to ATLAS are receiving help for their spiritual life as well as for their physical needs. ATLAS is treating the whole person. An organization like ATLAS is great for the community and it's residents.

ATLAS has referred people to treatment at New Life Treatment Center for their addiction. In return, we also refer people back to ATLAS for such things as individual, family and marriage assistance, aftercare, mentoring or financial aid and housing assistance. ATLAS works for all people regardless of finances, race or religious affiliation. Their doors are open no matter what the needs may be."

Wes Van Essen


New Life Treatment Center