
New ATLAS Start-up Process

Step 1: Initial Contact

  • Onsite presentation of ATLAS ministry
  • Question and Answer
  • Prayer

Step 2: Steering Committee

  • Feasibility & vision casting
  • Visit ATLAS Group in Sioux Center, IA
  • Begin 501(c)(3)
  • Prayer

Step 3: Board Development

  • Board selected & trained
  • Continue 501(c)(3)
  • Search for champion, building, & funding

Step 4: Champion/Director

  • Champion selected and trained at ATLAS Group
  • Tax exempt status attained
  • Begin friend raising

Step 5: ATLAS Staff Hired

Step 6: ATLAS Functioning

  • Staff expansion
  • Networking
  • Ongoing rest stops & board gatherings

Step 7: Becomes Resource

  • Help develop other ATLAS's
  • Continue to connect community

Each new ATLAS will have its own unique fingerprints:

  1. Local ownership, leadership and passion
  2. Its own separate 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  3. Local staff and mentors

Each new ATLAS will be the same as the original in the following ways:

  1. Same core values, same goals and the same operational model
  2. It will be collaborative in nature, working with all the other ATLAS organizations
  3. Staff and boards will work and learn together

Are you interested in bringing ATLAS to your community?

To learn more:

Call Jerry: (712) 441-1788

Email Jerry