New ATLAS Start-up Process
Step 1: Initial Contact
- Onsite presentation of ATLAS ministry
- Question and Answer
- Prayer
Step 2: Steering Committee
- Feasibility & vision casting
- Visit ATLAS Group in Sioux Center, IA
- Begin 501(c)(3)
- Prayer
Step 3: Board Development
- Board selected & trained
- Continue 501(c)(3)
- Search for champion, building, & funding
Step 4: Champion/Director
- Champion selected and trained at ATLAS Group
- Tax exempt status attained
- Begin friend raising
Step 5: ATLAS Staff Hired
- Staff training
- Begin helping the hurting, equipping the saints, & uniting the community
Step 6: ATLAS Functioning
- Staff expansion
- Networking
- Ongoing rest stops & board gatherings
Step 7: Becomes Resource
- Help develop other ATLAS's
- Continue to connect community
Each new ATLAS will have its own unique fingerprints:
- Local ownership, leadership and passion
- Its own separate 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
- Local staff and mentors
Each new ATLAS will be the same as the original in the following ways:
- Same core values, same goals and the same operational model
- It will be collaborative in nature, working with all the other ATLAS organizations
- Staff and boards will work and learn together
Are you interested in bringing ATLAS to your community?
To learn more:
Call Jerry: (712) 441-1788